Software Architectural Styles

A brief overview about the main software architectural styles and why and when we use them.

Language-based Systems

The programing language you choose to build your software will define the way you will architect it due their limitations or advantages.

For instance, a OOP (i.e. Java) will probably give you a better domain abstraction than a procedural language (i.e. C), but you cost you more performance and wont work for embedded software.

Abstract Types and Object Oriented

Using a OOP paradigm we have better application of “Abstraction”, “Encapsulation” and “Decomposition” principles. The code produced can better translate the business language and generally the learning curve is smaller. High-level programing languages generally are intuitive and have lots of third-party libraries that already solve common problems.

The cons is that it generally implies less performance and higher computational power is required. It is more difficult (and impossible sometimes) to create lightweight or embedded software with this paradigm.


Main program and Subroutines

This paradigm consists in usage of procedural code based on routines and subroutines sharing globals variables and procedures. It advantage is a very lightweight and highly performative software that consumes less computational power and energy. The cons is that is really difficult to maintain and the learning curve is higher. Low-level programing languages are generally not intuitive at all do not translate well the business language.


Repository Based Systems

When it is needed to shared data within modules and components an often used solution is a Data Centric Software Architecture.


At the core of a Data Centric architecture are 2 different types of components:

Central Data: Stores and share data across all the components that connect to it.

Data Accessors: They are the components that connect to the Central Data component. These run queries, transactions to store and retrieve data from the Database.

UML Data Centric Software Architecture
UML Data Centric Software Architecture

The main benefits of a data centric architecture style, besides share data are:

But some disadvantages of a data centric architecture are:

Layered Systems

In the real world when we need to send or receive some information, we may need to talk to representatives instead of directly communicate with the final receivers. This way we guarantee the information will arrive in a standard way and we can continue focusing on our main work, emphasizing the separation of concerns.

Layered Software Architecture
Layered Software Architecture

When we have a layered architecture the components are only allowed to talk to adjacent components. So they do not know about upper or lower layers of the system. With this we ensure our applications will be loosely coupled and their state will not affect or be affected directly by other applications.

Client Server n-tier

Layered architecture is about make components loosely coupled and restricting their communication within only adjacent layers.

The n-tier or multi-tier happens when this components are also separated by being located in separate machines. So their performance, computational power consumption and environment requirements will not directly affect each other. Also other benefits like load balancing and autoscaling are benefited by a multi-tier architecture.

The relation between client and server components in a multi-tear architecture can occur in an synchronous our asynchronous way using events, web sockets and request/response handlers.



Interpreter-based systems


Interpreters are programs that read and execute code provided by the user. The user does not need to know how the underlying logic of the interpreter, just the right code to provide.

Interpreters are used to execute Scripts os Macros. Examples os Interpreter-based systems are:

State Transition Systems

This is actually a concept to describe all potential behaviors a system can have, does not matter they have a low probability to happen, a State Transition will describe how to reach that state.


Some practical usage example is how operational systems manage resource allocation using state machine and multithread.

DataFlow Systems

A data flow architecture treats the system as a series of transformations in a data set.

Pipes & Filters

The pipes are the channels from which the date flows from a filter to another.

The filters are responsible to receive the input from the Pipe, transform it and follow to another Pipe, that will follow to another Filter and so on.

Filter and Pipes Architecture
Filter and Pipes Architecture



Implicit Invocation Systems


Derived from the Event-Driven paradigm, the Event Based Architecture happens when functions are executed trigged by Events, that could be inputs, signals, messages or data coming from other functions or programs. These Events are created by and Event Generator and listened by an Event Consumer or Subscriber.

Event Driven Architecture
Event Driven Architecture

Event generators: Generate and send the messages to be processed. Event consumers: Receive the messages to be processed and process them.

The communication between Event Generators and Event Consumers is not direct, being called “Implicit Invocation”. This intermediation is done by a “Event Bus”.

When working with event based is important to be aware of race conditions to avoid undesired results when shared data is not updated correctly.

For instance, when one event updates a resource before a previous event that also updates the same resource was executed. To solve this there are some techniques like semaphores and message acknowledgement.

Publish Subscribe

Different of Event-Based architecture, “Publish Subscribe” systems enforces that components should be either publishes or subscribers, but never both. Also the relationship between Publisher and Subscriber can vary in form and closeness.

Publishes and subscribers are not explicitly related, so they are also following Implicit Invocation. Examples are:

Process Control Systems

Control is important for many types of process in order to know they will operate in a safe way and achieve the expectations with efficiency.

Process Control

One of the techniques of process control is called Feedback Loop. It consists in some elements (Let’s take a water level control system):

Feed-back Loop process control
Feed-back Loop process control

In this case the Feed-back loop runs continuously monitoring the water volume based on the set point and adjusting the water pump (open / close) to maintain the water volume.

Another process control technique, commonly used for more complex process controls is the MAPE-K.

Mape-k process control
Mape-k process control

In this technique all the steps must have knowledge of the process state.

The MAPE-K technique is used for instance on self-driving cars software in combination with machine learning and big data to help in the analyze and plan steps.

The new steps here are: